

7 products
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GirlMalto Goodlife Deck
Sale price$75.95 USD
GirlPacheco Goodlife Deck
Sale price$75.95 USD
GirlGass Goodlife Deck
Sale price$75.95 USD
GirlGirl X Goodlife Domino Set
Sale price$150.95 USD
GirlGirl X Goodlife Tee
Sale price$35.95 USD
GirlGoodlife Pullover Hood
Sale price$72.95 USD

TheGoodLife! x Girl Bag-O-Bones is a professional-grade double-six domino set designed to elevate your next match. Housed in a custom flat-bottom drawstring bag, the kit also includes a TheGoodLife! x Girl score pad and a TheGoodLife! Sharpie Mini—everything you need to keep the game (and the smack talk) going.

To round out the collaboration, we’re dropping three dual-direction twin-tip domino decks, each full-dipped in a clean ivory finish. Available in 8", 8.25", and 8.5", plus a hoody and tee to match your winning streak.

Sean Malto, an avid domino player who always travels with a set, has been a fixture at the world-famous TheGoodLife! Family Dinner events for years. Inspired by those legendary nights, Sean brought this collaboration to life.